Through partnerships with Local Ports, Freight Carriers and International Distributors; Kensington Food Company is able to return the favor and share some of America's best gourmet food items with consumers around the world. Kensington Food Company is also a Licensed Exporter of Distilled Spirits and Beer. If you are the producer of a gourmet food item, distilled spirit or beer and would like to discuss introducing your product to International Markets, please feel free to email our President of International Relations and Exports at
We currently have warehouses and distributorship agreements in Chile, Argentina, Russia, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Tunisia and China. If you are a based in one of those countries and are interested in carrying our products, please contact us HERE and we will put you in touch with our local partner in your area.
Kensington Food Company
3437 D Street, Unit 110, Philadelphia, PA 19134